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Am I a LASIK Candidate?

Is laser vision correction (LVC) right for me?

If you’re over the age of 18 and suffer from nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism, you’re tired of wearing glasses or contacts, and your prescription has not changed for more than a year, you may be a great candidate for laser vision correction.

Is laser vision correction permanent?

Yes. Laser vision correction results in a permanent change to the shape of the cornea and the way the eye focuses light. However, laser vision correction will not prevent age-related conditions such as presbyopia (the need for reading glasses) or cataracts. These conditions would still be treated in their normal manner.

What are the risks?

No surgical procedure is without risks. Long term sight threatening complications from laser vision correction are very uncommon – less than 1%. Our doctors will review the potential risks and benefits in great detail during your consultation so you can make an informed decision before undergoing laser vision correction.

What are the long-term effects?

Long-term studies have shown excellent stability and few significant adverse effects from LASIK. The most significant adverse event after LASIK is corneal ectasia, which is a weakening of the cornea that causes a distortion of the corneal surface and poor vision. Ectasia is a rare event, occurring in less than 0.2% (fewer than 2 cases per thousand) of LASIK procedures. Treatments are available to improve vision problems caused by ectasia, and improved patient screening protocols are likely to lower the incidence of corneal ectasia in the future.

The most common adverse event after LASIK is mild regression of the effect. A small percentage of LASIK patients may have enough regression over time to require an enhancement or corrective eyewear.

What if additional treatment is necessary?

In general, the few patients who require an enhancement will do so within the first few months following the initial procedure. Enhancements will be provided at no charge for one year.

Request an Appointment

East China Office

First building north of St. John River District Hospital 4050 River Road, East China, MI 48054
PH: (810) 329-9045
FAX: (810) 329-8732
Optical: (810) 329-5953

Fort Gratiot Office

Located 1/4 mile north of Birchwood Mall
4656 24th Avenue, Fort Gratiot, MI 48059
PH: (810) 385-3600
FAX: (810) 385-0603
Optical: (810) 385-7200


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